Saiosh Trademark Policy
General conditions and use of Saiosh Logo and Trademarks
The Saiosh logo forms part of a comprehensive and detailed visual identity system. Our visual identity is designed to convey our authority and core professional characteristics and is an important organisational asset. The logo is uniquely designed and consists of the two components, a black gear and a blue acronym. There is a light bolt that runs through the logo from left to right, it enters the logo at the “h” of the acronym and exits on the inside of the gear at 7 o-clock.
Reproduction of the logo is carefully controlled to ensure that it is used in appropriate contexts and applications as well as in the correct format and style. This policy applies to both print and electronic media. The Saiosh acronym, the Saiosh logo and other elements of the corporate identity are trademarked and are protected under copyright law. Misuse of the logo or contravention of the Trademark Policy will be treated seriously and dealt with accordingly.
General conditions and use:
- The Saiosh trademarks may only be used by individuals and /or companies as identified in the Trademark Policy.
- The Saiosh trademarks may only be used as illustrated and prescribed in the Trademark Policy.
- The logos may not be reproduced. Saiosh will provide original copies of the logos to those persons and /or companies that qualify to use it. Only logos that are provided by Saiosh may be used.
- Misuse of the logo or contravention of the Trademark Policy will be treated seriously and dealt with accordingly.
Important Member Notice
- Members are required to read and adhere to the Trademark Policy.
- Members are required to report any misuse or contravention of the Trademark Policy to
Important Public and Client Notice
- Members of the public and clients can verify Saiosh membership and Saiosh verification by sending an e-mail to
Download the Saiosh Trademark Policy
To read and download the Saiosh Trademark Policy click HERE