Saiosh is committed to the upgrading of the professional skills of its members by keeping them updated and informed on the latest developments in the field of Occupational Health and Safety. Saiosh do this by offering Members the following benefits:
- SAQA Professional Registration
- Free CPD OHS Workshops and Webinars
- Free e-Learning
- Free Legal Updates
- Free subscription to the SHEQ Management Magazine
- Online Networking, CPD and Profile Updates
- OHS Seminars and Conferences
- OHS Updates and Newsletters
- Career Portal
Saiosh also offer the following added benefits for its Members:
- Student of the year with a financial award
- Person of the year with a financial award
- Bursary funding for qualifying members
In addition Saiosh also acts as a lobby group for Occupational Health and Safety legislation and standards and for this purpose interacts and liaises with the Department of Employment and Labour and other Government Bodies on behalf of its Members.
Application for Membership:
- Application is done online via the Professional Registration page.
- Once you have successfully submitted your online application you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
- The Registration Board will assess your application and verify your qualifications and experience. This process takes approximately 5 working days.
- You will then receive an invoice for the the level of membership that you qualified for.
- Once your have paid your
application /membership fee and sent the proof of payment to with the correct invoice number, your membership certificate will be available on your profile to download or print.
- Membership renewals are payable on 28 February every year.
- Pro rate adjustment: Joining on or after 1 October will include membership for the following year.
- Membership renewal invoices will be sent out annually during January.
- Your membership certificate will be reissued annually for as long as your annual membership fee is paid every year on or before 28 February and your CPD is up to date as per the Saiosh CPD Policy.
Please refer to the Professional Registration page for the minimum underlying qualifications and experience that are required for each of the Membership levels as well as the Terms and Conditions, Membership Application and Membership Fees.